Category: Full Form

TBD full form

Meaning : To be decided Category : GeneralSub Category :Phrases  Type : Initialism To be decided What is the full form of TBD and meaning ? The full form of TBD is used in many instances ranging from television to aviation and others.To be decided is used...

UPSS full form

Meaning : UPSS Full form – United Filipino Students For Success Category : EducationSub Category :OrganizationType : Initialism UPSS Full form – United Filipino Students For Success What is the full form of UPSS and meaning ? The full form of UPSS is used to describe...

DSSD full form

Meaning : Data Structured Systems Development Category : ComputersSub Category :Development  Type : Initialism DSSD full form – Data Structured Systems Development What is the full form of DSSD and meaning ? The full form of DSSD are used extensively by programmers working in the computers and...

VIC full form

Meaning : Voice Interface Card Category : ComputersSub Category :Card  Type : Acronym VIC full form – Voice Interface Card What is the full form of VIC and meaning ? The full form of VIC is used to describe a particular computer and hardware component.This is similar...

DESMOA full form

Meaning : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture Category : GovernmentSub Category :Ministry  Type : Acronym Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture What is the full form of DESMOA and meaning ? The full form of DESMOA is an important part of the...

ADPS full form

Meaning : Automatic data processing Category : CompaniesSub Category :Human ResourcesType : Initialism Automatic data processing What is the full form of ADP and meaning ? The full form of ADP is used in digital machines to keep abreast of various data information functions.This is an...

ESRO full form

Meaning : European Space Research Organisation Category : Space organizationSub Category :Aerospace  Type : Acronym European Space Research Organisation What is the full form of ESRO and meaning ? The full form of ESRO is used in the aerospace industry and is on par with others in...

IETS full form

Meaning : Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy Category : PhysicsSub Category :Spectroscopy  Type : Initialism Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy What is the full form of IETS and meaning ? The full form of IETS is used in the study and research of laboratories dealing with mass spectrometry. This is...

SUG full form

Meaning : Surigao airport code Category : AirportsSub Category :Travel  Type : Initialism What is the full form of SUG and meaning ? The full form of SUG is solely used an an airport code in the travel and tourism industry.This is the Surigao airport code and...

JSW full form

Meaning : Jindal South West Category : CorporationSub Category :Steel  Type : Initialism There are 7 full forms for JSW 1.Jindal South West 2.Japan Steel Works 3.Jastrz?bska Spó?ka W?glowa 4.Jet Set Willy 5.Journal of Social Work 6.Journal of the Southwest 7.Japanese School in Vienna What is...