MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2018, Marking Scheme, Exam Dates


MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2018, Marking Scheme, Exam Dates – The marks and paper pattern for the MH CET law examination for both the 3 and 5 year papers is given in detail.You can check the breakup of marks for all the individual subjects.All questions carry the same weightage of 1 mark each.


MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2018, Marking Scheme, Exam Dates

Before we go any further,if you have not checked the MH CET LAW syllabus for both 3 year and 5 years courses entrance exams then please do.

Check exam and result dates for MH CET LAW

FOR MH CET LAW 5 years

This entrance exam for the five year course will be held on 18 June 2018.

You will be graded on 150 questions that are spread over the five subjects of :

1.Legal Aptitude and Reasoning

2.General Knowledge

3.Analytical Reasoning



Each questions will be graded for 1 mark each,total 150 marks.

However the breakup number of questions is not equal for all subjects.

Subject No of questions Marks per question
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 40 1 40
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 30 1 30
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40 1 40
English 30 1 30
Mathematic Aptitude 10 1 10
Total 150 1 per question 150

(Total Marks)


FOR MH CET LAW 3 years

This entrance exam for the three year course will be held on 19 June 2018.

You will be graded on 4 subjects for this examination for a total of 150 marks.There are 150 questions,1 mark per correct answer.

The subjects you will be questioned on are:

1.Legal Aptitude and Reasoning

2.General Knowledge

3.Analytical Reasoning


The marks breakup for each subject is as follows:

Subject No of questions Marks per question Total marks
Legal Reasoning 40 1 40
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 30 1 30
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40 1 40
English 30 1 30
Mathematic Aptitude 10 1 10
Total 150 1 per question 150


Things to remember about the MH CET LAW paperĀ 

1.You have 2 hours to complete the paper.

2.It will be an online CBT paper – Computer based test

3.There is no negative marks,only 1 mark per correct answer you provide

4.It will be a MCQ type of questions – Multiple choice.You have to select the appropriate correct answer.

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