Does the Google Panda Penguin affect Adsense CPC
Does the Google Panda Penguin affect Adsense CPC – Browsing through a million forums after the first penguin hit in April in desperate search to salvage dropped earnings, the best I found were vague opinions on Adsense CPC drops.The thing is, In the last 18 months, there have been so many algorithm changes and constant updates by Google to improve their search results for the best user experience, that the only losers are the webmasters of sites that have lost rankings, everyone else benefits.
Keeping a close watch on a few of my blogs I noticed that some lost traffic and some dropped earnings. It would be noteworthy to mention that these two changes did not happen together and did not seem related. I know what everyone thinks – traffic and earnings are related and go hand in hand. That maybe true but it can be digging a little deeper, here is what I found:
Traffic and CPC
A weird phenomenon, but one one blog that saw traffic slowing down didn’t have any impact on the CPC in any way. I had reason to believe that if you were flagged, then advertisers would also pull out, as they did not want their ads to appear on a site with lower rankings, lessened traffic and substandard content.
Traffic and CTR
Another blog that didn’t see a traffic plunge saw days of high clicks at low CPC, while days where there were lesser clicks CPC stayed high. It was as if CPC and CTR were inversely related.
Finally one of my bread earning blogs that had been hit hard saw a drop in both traffic as well as CPC. Its possible that most of my blogs were interlinked, the penguin and panda updates drove through all of them and charged them guilty, the penalty intensity varying.
I did everything I could to get out of Google’s bad books, deleted over 50 posts, shifted ad positions but its been 6 months now that my main blog hasn’t yet recovered. The black flag HAS affected CPC.