Applied Chemistry 1 question papers mumbai university
Applied Chemistry 1 question papers Mumbai university – These are eight question papers for first year F.E Applied chemistry subject common to all engineering branches from the year 2016 to 2013.I have compiled it into one post for easy reference.
Applied Chemistry 1 question papers Mumbai university –
Applied chemistry MAY 2016
Attempt any five from the following
1(a) Write two balanced equations to describe the changes that occur when hard water is boiled. 3 M
1(b) Give reasons to explain why natural rubber needs vulcanization. 3 M
1(c) Give the preparation and uses of silica bricks. 3 M
1(d) Give the number of phases in the following system (any three)
(i) Saturated solution of NaCl
(ii) Mixture of rhombic and monoclinic sulphur
(iii) Mixture of O2 and N2
(iv) ( Ice ightleftharpoons ext {Water equalibrium} ) 3 M
(i) Saturated solution of NaCl
(ii) Mixture of rhombic and monoclinic sulphur
(iii) Mixture of O2 and N2
(iv) ( Ice ightleftharpoons ext {Water equalibrium} ) 3 M
1(e) What is grease? What are the conditions in which greases are used? 3 M
1(f) Thermosetting polymers cannot be reshaped and reused. Give reasons 3 M
1(g) Calculate the COD of an effluent sample if 25 c.c. of the effluent sample required 8.3 c.c. of 0.001M K2Cr2O7 for oxidation. 3 M
2(a) Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required for softening 50,000 L of water containing following salts per litre.
Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.5mg;
CaSO4 = 13.6mg; MgSO4 = 24.0mg
MgCl2 = 10.0mg. 6 M
Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.5mg;
CaSO4 = 13.6mg; MgSO4 = 24.0mg
MgCl2 = 10.0mg. 6 M
2(b) Explain the following terms :
(i) Condensed Phase rule
(ii) Triple point 5 M
(i) Condensed Phase rule
(ii) Triple point 5 M
2(c) What are carbon nanotubes? Describe the laser method of preparation of CNT. 4 M
3(a)(i) Discuss the mechanism of Extreme pressure lubrication. 3 M
3(a)(ii) Name any four additives in blended oil and give two examples of each. 3 M
3(b) Describe a moulding method suitable for thermoplastic resins. 5 M
3(c) Discuss the limitations of phase rule. 4 M
4(a) Give the preparation, properties and uses of
(i) PMMA (ii) Silicone rubber (iii) BunaS. 6 M
(i) PMMA (ii) Silicone rubber (iii) BunaS. 6 M
4(b) Write brief notes on any two methods of disinfecting municipal water with reactions. 5 M
4(c) 1.5 g of an oil was saponified with 50ml of 0.1N KOH solution. After refluxing the mixture required 7.5ml of 0.1N HCL for neutralisation. Find the saponification value of oil. 4 M
5(a) Draw a neat diagram of rotary kiln in the manufacture of portland cement and mention the reactions in each zone. 6 M
5(b) What is glass transition temperature? What are the factors affecting glass transition temperature? What is its significance? 5 M
5(c) The hardness of 10,000 litres of a water sample was completely removed by passing it through a zeolite softener. The softener then required 400litres of sodium chloride solution containing 100g/L of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of the water sample. 4 M
6(a)(i) Discuss the softening and regeneration reactions in the Ion-exchange process. 3 M
6(a)(ii) Discuss the Reverse Osmosis method of purification of water.3 M
6(b) Explain the functions of the following constituents in the compounding of plastic (any Two)
(i) Plastic (ii) Lubricants (iii) Stabiliser.5 M
(i) Plastic (ii) Lubricants (iii) Stabiliser.5 M
6(c) Define and explain the significance of the following properties of lubricants (any two)
(i) Flash and Fire point
(ii) Acid value
(iii) Viscosity and viscosity Index. 4 M
(i) Flash and Fire point
(ii) Acid value
(iii) Viscosity and viscosity Index. 4 M
Applied Chemistry – December 2015
Attempt any five from the following:
1 (a) Why is Hot lime-soda process preferred over cold lime-soda method? 3 M
1 (b) What are the drawbacks of natural rubber.3 M
1 (c) List the applications of carbon nanotubes.3 M
1 (d) Define flash point and fire point. Give its significance.3 M
1 (e) What is Triple point? Explain it with reference to one component water system.3 M
1 (f) Distinguish between thermoplastic and the thermosetting resins.3 M
1 (g) A 5ml sample of waste water was refluxed with 30ml of potassium dichromate solution and after refluxing the excess unreacted dichromate required 23ml of 0.1M FAS solution. A blank of distilled water on refluxing with 30ml of dichromate solution required 36ml of 0.1M FAS solution. Calculate the COD value of the waste water.3 M
2 (a) Calculate the quantity of pure lime (70% pure) and soda (85%pure) required for softening of 100,000 litres of water containing the following impurities in ppm.
Ca(HCO3)2=30.2, Mg(HCO3)2=20.8, CaCl2=28.1, MgCl2=8.78, CaSO4=35, MgSO4=6.7, NaCl=17.9.6 M
Ca(HCO3)2=30.2, Mg(HCO3)2=20.8, CaCl2=28.1, MgCl2=8.78, CaSO4=35, MgSO4=6.7, NaCl=17.9.6 M
2 (b) What is the phase Rule? Draw a neat labelled diagram for water system. Using phase rule find the number of degrees of freedom (F) for the following systems;
i) lce(s) ? water(l) ? water vapour(g)
ii) Water ? water vapour5 M
i) lce(s) ? water(l) ? water vapour(g)
ii) Water ? water vapour5 M
2 (c) Explain the preparation, properties and uses of silica bricks.4 M
3 (a) Define: Lubricants, Lubrication. Discuss the boundary-film Lubrication mechanism.6 M
3 (b) What is meant by fabrication of plastic? Explain in details the injection moulding method.5 M
3 (c) Discuss the limitations of phase rule.4 M
4 (a) Write the preparation, properties and uses of any two of the following:
i) Kevlar
ii) PMMA
iii) Buna-S6 M
i) Kevlar
ii) PMMA
iii) Buna-S6 M
4 (b) What is activated sludge? Explain the method with a flow-sheet diagram.5 M
4 (c) Find the acid-value of vegetable oil whose 5ml required 2ml of N/10 KOH during titration (Density of oil = 0.92).4 M
Write notes on (Any two):
5 (a) (i) Decay of concrete3 M
5 (a) (ii) Setting and hardening of cement3 M
5 (b) RCC3 M
5 (b) Explain the function of the following constituents in the compounding of plastics. Give proper example (Any Two):
i) Filters
ii) Plasticizers
iii) Lubricants
i) Filters
ii) Plasticizers
iii) Lubricants
5 M
5 (c) The hardness of 75,000 litres of a water sample was completely removed by a permutit. The exhausted permutit then required 1500L of NaCl containing 117mg of NaCl per litre for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of water sample.4 M
6 (a) Explain with a neat diagram, the zeolite process of water softening including the following points.
i) Principle
ii) Softening and regeneration reactions
iii) Process
iv) Advantages6 M
i) Principle
ii) Softening and regeneration reactions
iii) Process
iv) Advantages6 M
6 (b) What is vulcanization? Explain giving proper reaction. Discuss the improvement in the drawbacks of natural rubber after vulcanization.5 M
6 (c) Under what conditions are solid lubricants used? Explain Graphite as a solid lubricant. 4M
Applied Chemistry 1 – MAY 2015
Attempt any five of the following:
1 (a) Differentiate between temporary and permanent hardness.3 M
1 (b) Explain Glass transition temperature of polymer and its significance.3 M
1 (c) Define lubrication and give functions of lubricant.3 M
1 (d) Define phase, Component and Degree of freedom.3 M
1 (e) Write the preparation, properties and uses of Dolomite bricks.3 M
1 (f) Give the preparation, properties and uses of Buna-3.3 M
1 (g) Calculate all types of hardness of water sample containing:
Ca(HCO3)2=81 ppm MgSO4=60 ppm, MgCO3=42 ppm, Ca(NO3)2=82 ppm.3 M
Ca(HCO3)2=81 ppm MgSO4=60 ppm, MgCO3=42 ppm, Ca(NO3)2=82 ppm.3 M
2 (a) A water sample has the analytical report as under
MgCO3=84 ppm, CaCO3=40 ppm, CaCI2=55.5 ppm, Mg(NO3)2=37 ppm, KCI=10 ppm. Calculate lime & soda required for softening 1 litre of water.6 M
MgCO3=84 ppm, CaCO3=40 ppm, CaCI2=55.5 ppm, Mg(NO3)2=37 ppm, KCI=10 ppm. Calculate lime & soda required for softening 1 litre of water.6 M
2 (b) State Gibb’s phase rule. Give its application to one component system.5 M
2 (c) What are refractories? Give the preparation, Properties and uses carborundum bricks.4 M
3 (a) Define and give the significance of the following properties of lubricants:
i) Flash Point
ii) Pour point
iii) Viscosity Index6 M
i) Flash Point
ii) Pour point
iii) Viscosity Index6 M
3 (b) Explain Compounding of plastics. (five ingredients).5 M
3 (c) What is Condensed phase systems. Draw the phase diagram of an Ag-Pb system with proper labelling.4 M
4 (a) Write the preparation, properties and application of Bakelite.6 M
4 (b) Write note on Ultra filtration and Reverse osmosis.5 M
4 (c) 0.5 g of an oil is saponified with 50 ml of alcholic KOH solution. After refluxing the mixture, it required 22 ml of 0.1 NHCI solution. Find the Saponification value of given sample.4 M
5 (a) Explain manufacturing of Portland cement (wet process) with a lebelled diagram of a rotary kiln.6 M
5 (b) Define Fabrication. Explain Compression moulding with labelled diagram.5 M
5 (c) A Zeolite softener was regenerated by passing 200 litre of NaCI solution, containing 50g/litre of NaCI. How many litre of water of hardness 50 ppm can be softened by this softener.4 M
6 (a) Describe Zeolite method with a labelled diagram.6 M
6 (b) Give the preparation and applications of any two of the following:
ii) Kevlar and
iii) Silicon rubber.5 M
ii) Kevlar and
iii) Silicon rubber.5 M
6 (c) Under which conditions use of semi solid lubricants is preferred. 4 M
Solve any five of the following.
1(a) Define cloud point and pour point. Discuss its significance.3 M
1(b) Explain the principle of EDTA method.3 M
1(c) Dishtinguish between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins.3 M
1(d) Write a brief note on CNT’s3 M
1(e) Explain the reduced Phase rule.3 M
1(f) Explain the role of plasticizers and lubricants in the compounding of plastics.3 M
1(g) 25 ml of sewage water is refluxed with 0.1N K2Cr2O7 solution in presence of H2SO4 and Ag2SO4. The unreacted dichromate required 5.5ml of 0.1N FAS solution. Blank titration consumed 15ml of 0.1N FAS solution. Calculate COD of the effluent in mg/lit.3 M
2(a) Calculate the amount of lime (85% pure) and soda (95% pure) required to soften one million liters of water which contains:
MgCO3=8.4 ppm, CaCl2=22.2 ppm, MgCl2=9.5 ppm, CO2=33 ppm, HCl=7.3 ppm, KCl=16.8 ppm.6 M
MgCO3=8.4 ppm, CaCl2=22.2 ppm, MgCl2=9.5 ppm, CO2=33 ppm, HCl=7.3 ppm, KCl=16.8 ppm.6 M
2(b) Explain the two component, Pb-Ag system with an appropriate phase diagram.5 M
Write the preparation and uses of (Any one)
2(c) (i) Dolomite Bricks4 M
2(c) (ii) Silicon Carbide bricks4 M
3(a) What are the conditions for the use of solid lubricants? Explain the structure and uses of graphite.6 M
3(b) What is vulcanization? Explain with proper reaction. Mention the advantages of vulcanized process.5 M
3(c) Explain the following terms giving two suitable examples. (i) Phase (ii) Component.2 M
Give the preparation, properties and uses of (any two)
4(a)(i) PMMA3 M
4(a)(ii) Kevlar3 M
4(a)(iii) Buna-S rubber3 M
4(b) Explain the zeolite method for softening of water including the folloing points. Diagrams, process with reaction, regenration with reactions.5 M
4(c) 2.5g of vegetable oil was mixed with excess of KOH solution and heated with reflux condenser. The mixture required 16.5 ml of 0.5N HCl. The blank titration reading was 40.1ml of same HCl Find saponification value of oil.4 M
Write short notes on (any one)
5(a)(i) Decay of concrete and its prevention.6 M
5(a)(ii) Setting and hardening of cement.6 M
5(b) What is fabrication of plastics? Explain the injection moulding method with the help of neat diagram.5 M
5(c) The hardness of 10,000 liter of hard water sample was completely removed by passing it through a zeolite softener. The zeolite softener required 5000 litre of NaCl solution containing 1170mg of NaCl/litre. Determine the hardness of water sample.4 M
Discuss the following treatment methods for municipal water (any two)
6(a)(i) Bleaching powder3 M
6(a)(ii) Ozone3 M
6(a)(iii) Chlorine3 M
Discuss any two of the following.
6(b)(i) Glass transition temperature2 M
6(b)(ii) Polymers in medicine and surgery2 M
6(b)(iii) Conducting polymers2 M
6(c) Write a note on blended oils. (Any four additives)5 M
Applied Chemistry MAY 2014
Solve any five :-
1 (a) Give the principle of estimation of hardness of water using EDTA method (only equations)3 M
1 (b) Natural rubber needs to be vulacanised. Give reasons for the same.3 M
1 (c) What are the function of lubricant ?3 M
1 (d) Give the preperation, properties and uses of dolomite bricks.3 M
1 (e) What is a condensed system? State the condensed phase rule equation.3 M
1 (f) Classify the following salts into temporary and permanent hardness causing salts and also calculate their calcium carborate equivalents.
(i) Ca (HCO3)2 – 16.2 mg/L
(ii) MgSO4 – 1.2 mg/L
(iii) FeCI2 – 12.7 mg/L
(iv) NaCI – 94 mg/L3 M
(i) Ca (HCO3)2 – 16.2 mg/L
(ii) MgSO4 – 1.2 mg/L
(iii) FeCI2 – 12.7 mg/L
(iv) NaCI – 94 mg/L3 M
1 (g) Name the various ingredigents used in the compounding of plastics and give two examples of each.3 M
2 (a) Calculate the quantity of pure lime and soda required for softening 50,000 litres of water containing the following salts per litre-
Ca (HCO3)2 – 8.1 mg;Mg (HCO3)2 – 7.3 mg;
CaSO4 – 13.6 mg; MgSO4 – 12.0 mg;
NaCI -4.7 mg; MgCI2 – 23.75 mg.6 M
Ca (HCO3)2 – 8.1 mg;Mg (HCO3)2 – 7.3 mg;
CaSO4 – 13.6 mg; MgSO4 – 12.0 mg;
NaCI -4.7 mg; MgCI2 – 23.75 mg.6 M
2 (b) Define (i) Phase (ii) Component (iii) Degree of freedom. State the number of phase, components and the number of degree of freedom for the following equilibrium.
H2O(s) ? H2O(1) ? H2O (vapour)5 M
H2O(s) ? H2O(1) ? H2O (vapour)5 M
2 (c) What are carbon nanotubes? Discuss the CVD method of preperation of CNT.4 M
3 (a) Discuss the mechanism of boundry film lubrication.6 M
3 (b) What are thermoplastics polymers? Name any two thermoplastics polmer.Give the preperation, properties and uses of any one thermoplastics polymer.5 M
3 (c) Draw the phase diagram of one component water system. Explain triple point.4 M
Write short notes on any two :-
4 (a) (i) Glass transition temperature3 M
4 (a) (ii) Conducting polymers.3 M
4 (a) (iii) Polymers used in medicine and surgery.3 M
4 (b) With a neat diagrams explain the principle of Ion-Exchange method of softening of water and also give the softening and regeneration reactions.5 M
4 (c) 3g of vagetable oil was mixed with 50 ml of 0.5N KOH solution and heated for 1 hour. The mixture required 19ml of 0.5 HCI. The blank titration reading was 49ml. Find the saponification value of the oil sample.4 M
5 (a) Name the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of portland cement. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the rotary kill and write the chemcal reaction alongwith the temperature. Also mention the function of Alumina and gypsum in cement.6 M
5 (b) What is moulding ? Explain with the help of a neat diagrams Extrusion moulding of an insulated cable.5 M
5 (c) The hardness of 50,000 litres of a sample of water was removed by passing it through a zeolite softener. The sofener required 200 litres of NaCI solution containing 125 g/L of NaCI for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of the sample of water.4 M
6 (a) (i) Define and explain the significance of BOD and COD.3 M
6 (a) (ii) Discuss reverse osmosis.3 M
6 (b) Give the preperation and uses of
(i) Kevlar
(ii) Polyurethane5 M
(i) Kevlar
(ii) Polyurethane5 M
Write note on any two :-
6 (c) (i) Acid value of oil2 M
6 (c) (ii) Flash and fire point2 M
6 (c) (iii) Semi solid lubricant2 M
Applied Chemistry – December 2013
Solve Any Five
1 (a) What Happens when temporary hard water is boiled ? Give equation to explain.3 M
1 (b) Give the preperation and uses of Silica refractory.3 M
1 (c) Define Gibbs Phase Rule. State the number of Phases, Components and Degree of freedom for the following equation –
CaCo3(s) ? CaO(s) + CO2(g)3 M
CaCo3(s) ? CaO(s) + CO2(g)3 M
1 (d) What is the function of plasticiser in the compounding of plastic? Give two examples.3 M
1 (e) Two samples of water A and B were analysis for their salt content :
(i) Sample A was found to contain 168 mg MgCO3 per litre.
(ii) Sample B was found to contain 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 per litre and 2 mg SiO2 per litre. Calculate the total hardness of each sample and state which sample is more hard.3 M
(i) Sample A was found to contain 168 mg MgCO3 per litre.
(ii) Sample B was found to contain 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 per litre and 2 mg SiO2 per litre. Calculate the total hardness of each sample and state which sample is more hard.3 M
1 (f) Discuss the condition under which semisolid lubricants are used.3 M
1 (g) Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting resins.3 M
2 (a) 50 ml of standard hard water containing 1 mg of pure CaCO3 per ml consued 20 ml of EDTA. 50 ml of the water sample consumed 30 ml of same EDTA solution using Erichrome Black T indicator. After boiling and filtering, 50 ml of the water sample required 10 ml of the same EDTA for titration. Calculate the total and permanent hardness of water sample.6 M
2 (b) Draw a neat phase diagram of the one component water system and explain with reference to (i) curves (ii) Triple point5 M
2 (c) What are carbon nano tubes ? What are their types? Discuss their Electrical and Mechanical properties.4 M
3 (a) Discuss the mechanism of thick- film lubrication.6 M
3 (b) Discuss moduling and discuss the Injection moduling method of fabrication of plastic.5 M
3 (c) Discuss the Limitations of phase rule.4 M
4 (a) Give the preperation, properties and uses of : (i) PMMA (ii) Buna-s6 M
4 (b) Give well balanced equation of the reactions that takes place in the Lime soda process.5 M
4 (c) Find the saponification value of an oil sample 1.5g refluxed with 25 ml of 0.5 N KOH required 15 ml of 0.5 N HCI for the residual titration. The blank titration reading was 25 ml of 0.5 N HCI.4 M
5 (a) Discuss the setting and hardening of portland cement as well as the function of gypsum with balanced equations.6 M
5 (b) What is glass transition temperature? What are the factor that affect it and what is the signification of it.5 M
5 (c) An exhausted zeolite softner was regenerated by passing 150 litres of NaCI solution having a strength of 150 g/L of NaCI. If the hardness of the water is 600 ppm. Calculate the total volume of water that is softned by the softner.4 M
Write short notes on any two :-
6 (a) (i) Reverse osmosis3 M
6 (a) (ii) Electrodialysis3 M
6 (a) (iii) Ultrafiltration3 M
6 (b) Define conducting polymers. Explain Intrinsic and Doped conducting polymer with approprite examples.5 M
6 (c) Define and discuss the significance of the following properties of lubricant (any two) :-
(i) Acid value of oil
(ii) Cloud and Pour point
(iii) Flash and Fire point4 M
(i) Acid value of oil
(ii) Cloud and Pour point
(iii) Flash and Fire point4 M
Applied Chemistry – MAY 2013
Solve Any Five
1 (a) What Happens when temporary hard water is boiled ? Give equation to explain.3 M
1 (b) Give the preperation and uses of Silica refractory.3 M
1 (c) Define Gibbs Phase Rule. State the number of Phases, Components and Degree of freedom for the following equation –
CaCo3(s) ? CaO(s) + CO2(g)3 M
CaCo3(s) ? CaO(s) + CO2(g)3 M
1 (d) What is the function of plasticiser in the compounding of plastic? Give two examples.3 M
1 (e) Two samples of water A and B were analysis for their salt content :
(i) Sample A was found to contain 168 mg MgCO3 per litre.
(ii) Sample B was found to contain 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 per litre and 2 mg SiO2 per litre. Calculate the total hardness of each sample and state which sample is more hard.3 M
(i) Sample A was found to contain 168 mg MgCO3 per litre.
(ii) Sample B was found to contain 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 per litre and 2 mg SiO2 per litre. Calculate the total hardness of each sample and state which sample is more hard.3 M
1 (f) Discuss the condition under which semisolid lubricants are used.3 M
1 (g) Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting resins.3 M
2 (a) 50 ml of standard hard water containing 1 mg of pure CaCO3 per ml consued 20 ml of EDTA. 50 ml of the water sample consumed 30 ml of same EDTA solution using Erichrome Black T indicator. After boiling and filtering, 50 ml of the water sample required 10 ml of the same EDTA for titration. Calculate the total and permanent hardness of water sample.6 M
2 (b) Draw a neat phase diagram of the one component water system and explain with reference to (i) curves (ii) Triple point5 M
2 (c) What are carbon nano tubes ? What are their types? Discuss their Electrical and Mechanical properties.4 M
3 (a) Discuss the mechanism of thick- film lubrication.6 M
3 (b) Discuss moduling and discuss the Injection moduling method of fabrication of plastic.5 M
3 (c) Discuss the Limitations of phase rule.4 M
4 (a) Give the preperation, properties and uses of : (i) PMMA (ii) Buna-s6 M
4 (b) Give well balanced equation of the reactions that takes place in the Lime soda process.5 M
4 (c) Find the saponification value of an oil sample 1.5g refluxed with 25 ml of 0.5 N KOH required 15 ml of 0.5 N HCI for the residual titration. The blank titration reading was 25 ml of 0.5 N HCI.
4 M
5 (a) Discuss the setting and hardening of portland cement as well as the function of gypsum with balanced equations.6 M
5 (b) What is glass transition temperature? What are the factor that affect it and what is the signification of it.5 M
5 (c) An exhausted zeolite softner was regenerated by passing 150 litres of NaCI solution having a strength of 150 g/L of NaCI. If the hardness of the water is 600 ppm. Calculate the total volume of water that is softned by the softner.4 M
Write short notes on any two :-
6 (a) (i) Reverse osmosi3 M
6 (a) (ii) Electrodialysis3 M
6 (a) (iii) Ultrafiltration3 M
6 (b) Define conducting polymers. Explain Intrinsic and Doped conducting polymer with approprite examples.5 M
6 (c) Define and discuss the significance of the following properties of lubricant (any two) :-
(i) Acid value of oil
(ii) Cloud and Pour point
(iii) Flash and Fire point 4 M
(i) Acid value of oil
(ii) Cloud and Pour point
(iii) Flash and Fire point 4 M
Applied Chemistry – May 2013
Solve any Five
1 (a) Different between BOD and COD.3 M
1 (b) What are natural rubbers? What are their drawbacks?3 M
1 (c) Define grease. Under which situation it is used as a lubricant.3 M
1 (d) Define phase, component and degree of freedom.3 M
1 (e) Write composition of portland cement.3 M
1 (f) What are plasticizer and give its functions ?3 M
1 (g) What is the total hardness of sample of water has the following impurities in mg/I.
Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 CaCI2 = 22.2
MgCI2 = 95 NaCI = 203 M
Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 CaCI2 = 22.2
MgCI2 = 95 NaCI = 203 M
2 (a) 0.5g of CaCO3 was dissolved in dilute HCI and diluted to 500 ml, 50 ml of this solution required 45 ml of EDTA solution for titration. 50 ml of hard water sample required 15 ml of EDTA solution for titration. 50 ml of same water on boiling, filtering requires 10 ml of EDTA solution. Calculation the temporary permenant and total hardness in ppm.6 M
2 (b) Draw and explain the phase diagram of ice-water-water vapour system.5 M
2 (c) Explain CVD method for preparation of carbonnanotubes.4 M
3 (a) What are solid lubricants explain with two examples.6 M
3 (b) Explain fabrication of plastic with examples of injection molding.5 M
3 (c) Give limitations of phase rule.4 M
4 (a) Write preparation, properties and uses of following polymers :-
(i) Buna S
(ii) Kevlar6 M
(i) Buna S
(ii) Kevlar6 M
4 (b) Explain demineralization of water by ion exchange method.5 M
4 (c) 2.5 g of vegetable oil was mixed with 50ml of KOH solution and heated for 1 hour. The mixture required 26.4 ml of 0-4 N HCI. The blank titration reading was 49-0 ml. Find the saponification value of oil.4 M
5 (a) Write preparation properties and uses of –
(i) Dolomite bricks
(ii) Silicon carbide6 M
(i) Dolomite bricks
(ii) Silicon carbide6 M
5 (b) Explain effect of heat on polymer and factor affecting it.5 M
5 (c) A zeolite softner was complete exhausted and was regenerated by passing 150 lit of NaCI solution, containing 50 g/litre of sodium chloride. How may litres of water sample of hardness 450 ppm can be softness by zeolite container.4 M
6 (a) With the help of chemical equations explain the principle of lime soda process.6 M
6 (b) Write short notes on :-
(i) Conducting polyers
(ii) Polymers in medicline an surgery.5 M
(i) Conducting polyers
(ii) Polymers in medicline an surgery.5 M
6 (c) Explain the following properties and discuss its significance Viscosity and Viscosity index. 4 M