Author: jojo22

yd full form

Meaning : Yard Category : MetricSub Category :Measurement  Type : Abbreviation Yard What is the full form of yd and meaning ? The full form of Yd is a used as a way to represent this very useful  measure of area all over the world.Yards are unit...

YFC full form

Meaning : Youth For Christ Category : OrganizationsSub Category :Religious  Type : Initialism Youth For Christ What is the full form of YFC and meaning ? The full form of YFC is one way to describe this very ardent and religious set of people.This is a group...

YAHOO full form

Meaning : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle Category : InternetSub Category :Companies Type : Acronym Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle What is the full form of YAHOO and meaning ? The full form of YAHOO is more than what it seems and there are different interpretations to...

YAML full form

Meaning : YAML Ain’t Markup Language Category : ComputersSub Category :Language & Coding  Type : Initialism YAML Ain’t Markup Language What is the full form of YAML and meaning ? The full form of YAML is used often in the computers and software industry  when talking about...

YAC full form

Meaning : Yeast Artificial Chromosome Category : MedicalSub Category :Genetics  Type : Initialism Yeast Artificial Chromosome What is the full form of YAC and meaning ? The full form of YAC is more than common to those medical experts and genetic engineers who work in research laboratories. This...


Meaning : Triple Extra Large Category : GarmentSub Category :Size Type : Initialism Triple Extra Large What is the full form of XXXL and meaning ? The full form of XXXL should be familiar to many of us shoppers who visit clothing and retail outlets to purchase...

xxx full form

Meaning : Adult film rating Category : FilmsSub Category :Certification  Type : Reference There are a total of 5 full forms for XXX 1.Roman numeral for the number 30 2.Adult film rating 3.A mark of beer strength 4.No currency transactions 5.Top level domain for adult content...

YASH full form

Meaning : Yamaha Artist Services Hollywood Category : MusicSub Category :Instruments  Type : Acronym Yamaha Artist Services Hollywood What is the full form of YASH and meaning ? The full form of YASH is an ode to a program by Yamaha whereby they integrate their instruments and...


Meaning : Yabaâna Category : LanguagesSub Category :Dialects  Type : Abbreviation Yabaâna What is the full form of ybn and meaning ? The full form of ybn is used for a certain type of dialect that was prevalent in South america eons ago.This is an...

YBN full form

Meaning : Young Boss Niggas Category : MusicSub Category :Bands  Type : Initialism Young Boss Niggas What is the full form of YBN and meaning ? The full form of YBM is used often in popular culture when we are  referring to a particular music group of...