Meaning : Yellow Pages Category : Phone booksSub Category :CommercialType : Initialism There are 2 full forms for YP 1.Yellow Pages 2.Yorkshire post What is the full form of YP and meaning ? The full form of YP has two very distinct meanings and one deals with...
Meaning : Year over Year Category : CorporateSub Category :PerformanceType : Initialism Year over Year What is the full form of YoY and meaning ? The full form of YoY is used in business practices in all offices around the world where financial records are scrutinized....
Meaning : You + Tube Category : InternetSub Category :WebsitesType : Given Name You + Tube What is the full form of YOUTUBE and meaning ? The full form of Youtube as many people may know is the amalgamation of two words.Taken from the...
Meaning : Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Category : ReligiousSub Category :GuidesType : Abbreviation Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church What is the full form of YOUCAT and meaning ? The full form of Youcat is used for a group of religious people that are...
Meaning : You Only Live Once Category : PhilosophySub Category :PhrasesType : Acronym You Only Live Once What is the full form of YOLO and meaning ? The full form of YOLO is used often in popular culture by people of all ages.This is a phrase...
Meaning : You Need a Budget Category : ComputersSub Category :Software ProgramType : Initialism You Need a Budget What is the full form of YNAB and meaning ? The full form of YNAB may not be common to many of us,however it was used back in...
Meaning : Your Mileage May Vary Category : BusinessSub Category :PhrasesType : Initialism Your Mileage May Vary What is the full form of YMMV and meaning ? The full form of YMMV is an ode to phrases that are used as a metaphor in old business...
Meaning : Yml file format Category : ComputersSub Category :File extensionType : Initialism There are two full forms of yaml 1.Yml file format 2.Charlevoix Airport What is the full form of yml and meaning ? The full form of yaml has two different full forms – one...
Meaning : Jet Propulsion Laboratory Category : AerospaceSub Category :Space center Type : Initialism Jet Propulsion Laboratory What is the full form of JPL and meaning ? The full form of JPL is one of the most important laboratories used by NASA in the US.This is probably...
Meaning : Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Category : ComputerSub Category :Image format Type : Initialism Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) What is the full form of JPG and meaning ? The full form of JPG is used widely by all of us who move image files...