Combined biotechnology entrance examination
Combined biotechnology entrance examination for admission to Msc biotechnology ;Msc agri biotechnology MVSC and Mtech biotechnology programs. These admission forms for these courses cab be filed online at the website shown below and the proper documents have to uploaded in the correct format with fees online.
JNU jawaharlal nehru university will hold combined biotechnology entrance examination on thursday the 25th may 2012 for admission to:
Msc biotechnology
MSc agri/Mvsc biotechnology
Mtech biotechnology
entrance exam will be in 52 cities
Reservation Combined biotechnology entrance examination
SC-15% ST 7.5%PD 3%
All candiates who passed qualification examination are eligible to apply irrespective of thier percentage of marks in the qualifying degree examination
concession for kashmiri migrant-10 % marks will be added
HOW TO APPLY for Combined biotechnology entrance examination
Online application can be done here . Available from 6 feb 5 pm to 21 march 2012
offline application-set of application form can be obtained by post by sending cross checked DD for Rs.260 drawn in favour of Jawahrlal nehru university payable at new delhi along with self addressed envelope,unstamped of min size 25cms by 30 cms indicating which programme the candidate needs admission in.Addressed to SECTION OFFICER -admissions room no 28,administrative block,jawharlal nehru university,new delhi 110067
start of online aplication-6 feb 2012
closing of online process-21 march 2012
start of offline forms-6 feb
last date of issue of offline forms-5 march
last date of submission of offline forms-21 march
last date for submission of confirmation page of online application form-28 march 2012
for more information click here