Make money from adsense post penguin and panda
Make money from adsense post penguin and panda – Penguin and panda can be seen as filters in an extended ongoing effort to kill SEO. Lets face it, the people working for Google’s product search division are on an average, a teeny bit smarter than you and me. By trying to tweak phrases,keywords and pictures in a dying effort to reach the top of the search results page or “optimize” your webpage is now old school.
By constantly churning out new filters every few months and running them through the database in a bid to provide users with the most informative, reliable and authoritive views on a particular subject, making money online through Google’s Adsense just got much tougher.
Make money from adsense post penguin and panda – So How long will it take to make your first $100 from Adsense?
The traffic coming to your site is proportional to your adsense earnings, or let me rephrase that- -the organic or search engine traffic that comes to your site is proportional to your adsense earnings. For a new website/blog to get searh engine traffic is hard, so it takes atleast 2 months to start getting a trickle. Depending on your demographics of traffic and site niche, your earnings per click will vary . Assuming US traffic and a website based on technology, you can wait for atleast 4 months before getting your first adsense check of roughly a 100 odd dollars.
What the Penguin and Panda has done is “toned down the tricks” and given more importance to older domains and trust able content that has constantly provided the search engines with fresh and unique insight about a particular topic.
In order to succeed in beating the filters, what you need is first hand unquestionable knowledge about your product, excellent social networking-promotional skills and patience to build up an audience.