NATA Admit Card 2018, NATA Hall Ticket, Released – Get Admit Card Here


NATA Admit Card 2018, NATA Hall Ticket, Released – Get Admit Card Here – The national aptitude test in Architecture organized by the Council of Architecture is meant for candidates who want to seek admission into first year architecture out of the five year B.ARch course.This gives you a seat in one of the hundreds of colleges all over the country.The current intake to these institutions affiliated to the COA is about 24,000.

NATA Admit Card 2018

In order to download the hall ticket,you need to have your application number ready.This will serve as the login and the password will be the date of birth in DD/MM/YY format.

NATA Admit Card 2018

The exam for NATA will be held on 29 th April and the admit card is released on 17 April today.Go here to download the admit card.

About the NATA exam

The examination will be three hours long and  will be divided into two sections PART A and PART B.Each of 120 marks and 80 marks respectively for a total of 200 marks.The three main subjects here are Mathematics,Drawing and General Aptitude.

Mathematics and General are an objective type MCQ multiple choice questions and the drawing section is a subjective paper.

The math and aptitude section as well as the drawing is for 90 marks each

Date/Time  Subject & Marks of Exam
29th April 2018 First 90 minutes – Part A total 120 Marks
10:30 AM to 1:30 PM Mathematics (MCQ)  20×2 = 40 marks (online)
General Aptitude (MCQ)  40×2 = 80 marks (online)
(Grand total of 200 marks)
Last 90 minutes – Part B total 80 Marks
Drawings (2 questions) in A4 size paper 2×40 = 80 marks

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