Category: Law

DWI full form

Meaning : Driving while intoxicated Category : LegalSub Category : Offense DWI full form – Driving While Intoxicated DWI is a charge that is levied on you if you get caught by the cops while drunk driving.It is a serious offense and...

CJU full form

Meaning : Criminal Justice Unit Category : LawSub Category : Precinct & Units What does CJA mean or stand for ? CJU is a part of the police force that is formed to uphold the values of the CJA – Criminal Justice Act.Some...

CJA full form

Meaning : Criminal Justice Act Category : LawSub Category : Acts & Citations What does CJA mean or stand for ? The CJA is an act which says that criminal laws can be amended ever so often to keep the justice department...

POA full form

Meaning : Power of Attorney Category : LegalSub Category : Documentation What does POA mean or stand for ? POA is a legal document that is drawn up by a lawyer of solicitor and which needs to be notarized,only after which can...