Difference between UGC NET SET and SLET
Difference between UGC NET SET and SLET – If you are a candidate that is deciding whether to appear for the CBSE NET or SET and are confused as to which one you should do then there are a few differences that you need to read about before giving the correct exam.Both exams prepare you for lectureship but in different capacities.
Difference between UGC NET SET and SLET are designed for different purposes,so choose the right exam.
+Read How to download the E Certificate for NEt and SET qualified candidates
It is a national examination with common papers for all students. | It is a state wide examination and is held in english or the regional language of the state |
It is more difficult and has a larger number of applicants. | Since it is only for the state jurisdication and not national level,the number of candidates appearing ismuch less per state,but the seats alloted also are lesser. |
After clearing NET,you can teach in any national level college or university | After SET,you can only get appointment in that particular state from which you cleared the SET. |
This is the only examination for awarding of the Junior Research Fellow | Does not confer JRF award |
Has 91 centers all over India to give the test | Only available in select few states of India :