Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review | New rates 2018


Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review and new rates 2018 – Was waiting patiently since months to get my ultra high speed broadband line.I have been using a 2 mbps plan since the last 2 years. The only other option was a 5 mbps with some seriously strict download plans, so i stayed with the 2 mbps.

Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review | New rates 2018

Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review | New rates 2018

Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review | New rates 2018

After getting frustrated i was on the verge of going in for a new mtnl plan that promised 10mbps optical cable lines using some new fiber technology. I called up mtnl, even got a new telephone line, and then some lady explained to me it still wasn’t in my area, which happens to be one of the oldest and most affluent in the city (south mumbai).I gave up on mtnl, thought i would rely on the privately run Hathway that i had been a loyal customer since more than 5 years.

It finally paid off when i got an sms about a new DOCSIS plans introducing only to south mumbai residents, ranging from 15mbps , 25mbps and 50 mbps. To make things even better the prices almost made me faint!! 599,799 and 999! monthly This was cheaper than my rusty old 2mbps line! Immediately called the hotline and did the online payment. One small catch is that you have to pay quarterly Rs.599 + taxes came to Rs.690 monthly and about Rs.1900 odd quarterly. Compared to Rs.775 i was currently paying for my 2mbps.

This was a jump of 7.5 times speed wise! Kudos to new technology.Within 3 days i got the installation done. Just a new modem, without any login particulars, much better.

To test the actual speed i did a few downloads and also used an online broadband speed tester, spread across 3 days and at various times during the day. I got a maximum speed at night with this direct video download as seen below .

1.5MB/s roughly  corresponds to about 14.5 mbps, which is as fast as i expect this to  go.At other times however, i got mixed results, and slow speeds in the daytime of 7.75mbps and 4.27mbps.

Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review





Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review





Hathway broadband DOCSIS plan review





On more noticeable difference in the docsis plan was the missing authentication routine of login and password. This was a nuicense as at times the network would mysteriously “log you off” at various times during the day, maybe a smart thing to cap unregulated downloads.

In the coming months i expect the speed to stabilise, and wouldnt be surpised with some new innovative way of hathway to initiate the authentication process as soon as more users take up the plans.


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