JDE full form


Meaning : Java Development Environment

Category : Computers
Sub Category :Programs & Software
Type : Initialism

There are 4 full forms of JDE

1.Java Development Environment

2.Jacobs Douwe Egberts

3.JD Edwards 

4.Journal of Development Economics

What is the full form of JDE and meaning ?

The full form of JDE has 4 different meanings for what they stand for and these are related to the computer industry, business, professional journals and the food industry.

1.Java Development Environment – This is a programming environment that JAVA programmers use in order to develop tools tha might be beneficial to their final software product.

2.Jacobs Douwe Egberts – Jacobs Douwe Egberts is the name of a Dutch company that owns and operates several coffee brands under its parent company.

3.JD Edwards – JD Edwards is a software company that makes software solutions for clients and is based in the US.

4.Journal of Development Economics – when the practical demonstrations of economics is applied to a real world scenario,it is documented in this journal and the findings are written by scholars of the same fraternity.

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