QED full form
Meaning : Quantum Electrodynamics
Category : Education
Sub Category :Physics
Type : Initialism
There are a total of 3 full forms for QED
1.Quod Erat Demonstrandum
2.Quantum Explosion Dynamo
3.Quantum Electrodynamics
What is the full form of QED and meaning ?
The full form of QED has more than three different variations and meanings ranging from computer entertainment,electronics and mechanics.
1.Quod Erat Demonstrandum – An old latin phrase used in derivations of science which literally means – what needs to be proven is now proven”.
2.Quantum Explosion Dynamo – Used in the computer game Commander Keen volume 5.This is a fictitious machine that the user can engage in.
3.Quantum Electrodynamics – In the world of unseen physics,the quantum realm is a place where Proton and electrons exist at the base level.QED is the study of electromagnetic force in a quantum field.