Tips and Tricks to get a Italy visa from India


Tips and Tricks to get a Italy visa from India – For those of you who want a student visa to travel to Italy from India or else just want a tourist or any other type of Visa, make sure to go through all these important tips and suggestions of common mistakes that applicants make.

I have worked in the visa department and come across many of these mistakes that is why i have compiled an entire list of common errors that you can avoid and have higher chances of getting your Visa accepted from the Embassy rather than delayed or rejected.

For short term visa : One need to make sure before applying for schengen visa that his/her Travel is in under next 90 days . Round Ticket should be under 90 days of your travel . As more than 90 days not accepted in short term schengen visa.

Also Read – Learn the process of getting a Canada visa here

Tips and Tricks to get a Italy visa from India

Here are the various types of visas that are the most common that are applied for:

Tourist visa –

Family Tourist



Study short stay

study long stay


Employment short term

Employment long term

Family reunion for joining spouse

Family renui for children to join parent in ITaly

Family reunion for parents joining son/daughter in italy

Accompanying spouse

Sports short stay


Religious short term

Religious long term

For Afghan national


Important points to avoid rejection from Italian Embassy

Document errors to avoid

1.Covering letter -This is one of the documents,because it sits right on top and is the first thing a visa officer sees.So proper wording and format is extremely important.I have written one below in the correct format.

Letter should be address to embassy of Italy/ Visa consulate of Italy of your particular jurisdiction – for example for those currently living in North India will address will address to Embassy of Italy New Delhi , for south and west India – visa Consulate mumbai and for east and north east visa consulate Kolkata!

Subject : Requesting for Tourist/ Family tourist etc visa

Content – mention your passport number , your name , purpose, Expenses details and itinerary ! and ending with kindly grant me the visa for the same ! with your signature

3.Salary slip / Leave application or No objection certificate from your office – Minimum requirement of salary slip is 3 months , however its better to provide six months ( make sure your current work location is clearly mention on your salary slips/noc/ leave application and period of the same location candidate working . ( this to clear jurisdiction )

4.Jurisdiction proof – salary slips or noc stating your current work location / electricity bill on your name of past 6 months / telephone bills on your name/ rent agreement/ water bill/ or letter from your firm stating your location period at the same !

note :- bank statement, ITR, sale deed , aadhar, voter identity card , pan card , driving licence , passport or any kind of permanent address aren’t jurisdiction proof . Since Italy require current jurisdiction .

5.Bank balance need sufficient bank balance of past six months in north India and in 3 months in south and west India as minimum . Its always good to provide more than 6 months with balance sufficient enough to satisfy Visa consulate eyes  .

For minors – with no bank accounts has to submit sponsor parent bank statement copy too .

For family – all family members must provide their documents exact the same of main application

ITR or form 16 – 3 years ITS or form 16 in case ITR not being filled

6.Extra financial document proof : better to provide your other financial documents like mutual funds, /fixed deposits/ property papers/ firm papers to make your finance more stronger for the consulate

7.Round ticket = Round tickets from India to schengen and schengen to India is a must !

8. Accomodation – All nights covering your round tickets / maximum stay has to be in Italy and in case equal nights then first port of entry in italy.

In  case of Cruise booking then entire Itinerary of Cruise is a must . Even when we are travelling on cruise its in different tertiary water and those nights are also be counted for schengen visa  rule. We need to make sure its not only port of cruise is Italy but the MAXIMUM stay is in Italy . Including accommodation + Cruise Itinerary

9.Insurance  – covering entire schengen trip , date of birth, passport number and name matching with your passport

( Insurance is must and declaration on behalf of insurance wont work )

10.Passport photocopy – 2 passport photocopies of front and back page .

11.Data Protection ( GDPR) singed by the person holding application . in case of minor both parents signatures require ( minor – those under 18 consider as minor ) . representative can not signed the same . and signature must be same as of passport .


Make sure to have all these documents arranged in this order as above for smooth process  at Visa center !

Family tourist Visa : for Visiting friends and family 

1.Covering letter -This is one of the most important documents,because it sits right on top and is the first thing a visa officer sees.So proper wording and format is extremely important.I have written one below in the correct format.

Letter should be address to embassy of Italy/ Visa consulate of Italy of your particular jurisdiction – for example for those currently living in North India will address will address to Embassy of Italy New Delhi , for south and west India – visa Consulate mumbai and for east and north east visa consulate Kolkata!

Subject : Requesting for Tourist/ Family tourist etc visa

Content – mention your passport number , your name , purpose, Expenses details and itinerary ! and ending with kindly grant me the visa for the same ! with your signature

2. Invitation letter : Invitation letter has to be in particular format “Letter Di Invito” (invitation letter in Italian ) with Invite Picture Identity card . Like Permesso di soggiorno , Carta d’identità  etc .

3.Salary slip / Leave application or No objection certificate from your office – Minimum requirement of salary slip is 3 months , however its better to provide six months ( make sure your current work location is clearly mention on your salary slips/noc/ leave application and period of the same location candidate working . ( this to clear jurisdiction )

4.Jurisdiction proof – salary slips or noc stating your current work location / electricity bill on your name of past 6 months / telephone bills on your name/ rent agreement/ water bill/ or letter from your firm stating your location period at the same !

note :- bank statement, ITR, sale deed , aadhar, voter identity card , pan card , driving licence , passport or any kind of permanent address aren’t jurisdiction proof . Since Italy require current jurisdiction .

5.Bank balance need sufficient bank balance of past six months in north India and in 3 months in south and west India as minimum . Its always good to provide more than 6 months with balance sufficient enough to satisfy Visa consulate eyes  .

For minors – with no bank accounts has to submit sponsor parent bank statement copy too .

For family – all family members must provide their documents exact the same of main application.

ITR or form 16 – 3 years ITS or form 16 in case ITR not being filled


Garanzia Bancaria : Also know as fidejussione bancaria Bank guarantee from inviting person in Italy covering all the expenses of entire trip with sufficient amount as per the value of foreign exchange. Bank guarantee should be submitted in original and xerox both.

6.Extra financial document proof : better to provide your other financial documents like mutual funds, /fixed deposits/ property papers/ firm papers to make your finance more stronger for the consulate

7.Round ticket = Round tickets from India to schengen and schengen to India is a must !

9.Insurance  – covering entire schengen trip , date of birth, passport number and name matching with your passport.


Insurance from Italy in Original and xerox of the same .

( Insurance is must and declaration on behalf of insurance wont work )

10.Passport photocopy – 2 passport photocopies of front and back page .

11.Data Protection ( GDPR) singed by the person holding application . in case of minor both parents signatures require ( minor – those under 18 consider as minor ) . representative can not signed the same . and signature must be same as of passport .


For minor : If application is of minor person . Folk under 18 consider as the minor . Then Both parents signature of application form on column no. 37 and last column is a must.

minor signatures not require in any document .

In case flying with single parent or without parent then consent letter in affidavit letter is a must with and of national identity photocopy of the parental .

No objection on plain paper is not recommended .

Business Purpose: Business visa can be applied for categories such as for meeting in Italy , conference in Italy , For Fair in Italy , For Exhibition in Italy. Schengen rule of Maximum nights and First port of entry does not apply For business Visa . Person Having Business Visa automatically became the default applicant of the inviting firm . 

  1.  Covering letter on letterhead from Indian firm describing the purpose of your visit .
  2. Invitation letter with Invite picture Identity xerox and Italian firm memorandum . (Should be in particular format in Italian knows as ”Letter di Invito” Affari which means Business Invitation and Visura Camerale .Note Invitation letter in Italian format not require for conference / exhibition and Trade Fair business neither the Invite Id and Visura Camerale . In case It’s a different country firm helding meeting in Italy then Invitation letter format not require either . Invitation letter should be signed by invite else it can lead into rejection by embassy .
  3. Salary slips of 3 to 6 months and Noc from indian firm .
  4. Bank statement of self and sponsoring company in case your company bearing your trip expenses.
  5. ITR (Income Tax Return) or FORM 16 of 3 years of self and firm.
  6.  Company memorandum/firm registration if there . IEC number for Import Export Companies.
  7. Round Tickets of schengen
  8. Accommodation covering all nights in case same not provided by inviting Italian Firm .
  9. Travel health Insurance Covering all nights . Including your correct passport number , date of birth and name as per the passport . (any minor discrepancy can lead into wasting your time at visa application as they most probably will ask you to rectify your insurance first .
  10. Two passport Photocopies of front and back page is a must .
  11. Data Protection signed by the applyer only.
  12. Application Form should be completely and correctly filled . Don’t skip signing column number 37 and last column both . Always add submission date and place on column no. 36 and 2nd last column .
  13. Jurisdiction Proof is a must . Which should be of current stay of last 6 months .
  14. Always apply for Italian visa with sufficient period as Italian Embassy always consume extra period then any other schengen country .




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