DSN full form

Meaning : Doctor of science in nursing Category : EducationSub Category : Qualification What does DSN mean or stand for ? DSN also acronymed as DNSc or DNS.The main difference between these doctoral degrees and a PHd in Nursing practice is that...

ETLA full form

Meaning : Extended three letter acronym Category : EducationSub Category : Acronyms What does ETLA mean or stand for ? Also known as XTLA – an acronym is a short form for a rather long phrase.When this long phrase is abbreviated to...

DIPPAED full form

Meaning : Diploma in Paediatrics Category : EducationSub Category : Qualification What does DIPPAED mean or stand for ? DIPPAED is also known as Diploma in Child health (DCH) in some countries.It i sometimes offered as a post graduate program which is...

DENG full form

Meaning : Doctor of Engineering Category : EducationSub Category : Professional qualification What does DENG mean or stand for ? DENG is somewhat similar to a PHd degree.Both these confer the status of “Dr” and are doctoral terminal degrees.They can be taken...

D.MISS. full form

Meaning : Doctor of Missiology Category : EducationSub Category : Qualification What does D.MISS mean or stand for ? D.MISS is a theological or religious degree that is awarded to people associated with  a religious institution or church.Laymen cannot apply for this...

DLITT full form

Meaning : Doctor of Literature Category : EducationSub Category : Qualification What does DLITT mean or stand for ? D.LITT is a terminal academic course and is on par with a P.Hd.Both confer a doctorate on the student who successfully completes the...

D.A. full form

Meaning : Doctor of Arts Category : EducationSub Category : Qualification What does D.A mean or stand for ? D.A is the equivalent of a P.hd degree in the United States.D.A is an academic doctorate program that can be obtained after a...

DENI full form

Meaning : Department of education for northern Ireland Category : EducationSub Category : Administration What does DENI mean or stand for ? The DENI is a powerful and decisive body that regulates and manages all aspects of education for both students and...