Head of Passing meaning
Head of Passing meaning – What heads of passing means? This question has come to me many times and i will try and explain it as simply as possible.It is often used by state universities like Pune and Mumbai University to set rules for ATKT subjects.These rules or ordinances are sometimes complicated and many students get failed in engineering which is most difficult.
I myself did engineering from Mumbai university and had many ATKTs.The ATKT and passing rules kept changing every 3-4 years.
Confusion in double meaning of heads of passing:
There are two versions of this,and sometimes some students are getting confused between the two.:
Heads of passing and ATKTs
In ATKT rules,the “heads of passing” or head of passing is referring to the subjects.These can be theory,practical,or internal exam test,viva oral, term end test,external test,whatever.IT IS SOMETHING YOU CAN FAIL IN.
Depending on what the rule of the university is at that time,the head of passing can mean any/ or a combination of these three.BUT in most cases,it is only referring to theory subjects.
For example in Pune university,in order to get admission into engineering semester 3,according to the university ordinance rule – you are allowed to fail in a maximum of 4 subjects or 4 heads of passing to clear the year.
The breakup of the subject or head of passing is not important – In unipune – Each subject is divided into theory and internal test – 50-50.
Heads of passing and grace marks
Depending in how many subjects or heads of passing you got an ATKT,you can be given grace marks.
Grace marks from 2 to 10 can be given,to maximum of 1% of the overall score.
For example if your final total score in the semester is 500 out of 700 and you have failed in a one individual subject by 4 marks – or falling short by 4 marks, you can get grace marks in that head of passing upto 1% – which is 5 marks.So then you pass in that head of passing,and become all clear in the semester.This is referred to as con donation.
You can see the total for individual marks of heads of passing and pune backlog rules here
For a total guide to ATKT rules and passing and failing in engineering go here.