JBL full form
Meaning : James Bullough Lansing
Category : Business
Sub Category :Music technology
Type : Initialism
There are 3 full forms of JBL
1.James Bullough Lansing
2.Japan Basketball League
3.Journal of Biblical Literature
What is the full form of JBL and meaning ?
The full form of JBL is known mostly for thier construction equipment however there are 2 other meanings for sports and professional journal.
1.James Bullough Lansing – JBL is one of the worlds largest sound equipment manufacturers and is based in the US.Thier primary products are speakers,amplifiers and sound mixing hardware.
2.Japan Basketball League – Just like the NBA is the national league for Basketball in the US,Japan has its own known as the JBL
3.Journal of Biblical Literature – This is a reviewed set of studies and theological papers that are written by religious and cultural experts.