BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May 2014 – The F.E first year B.E.E semester 1 question paper is given below for students of Mumbai University. BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May 2014 1 (a) Using source conversion, reduce...
BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper December 2014 – The semester 1 B.E.E question paper for Mumbai university F.E first year students is shown as follows: BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper December 2014 1(a) Convert the given circuit into a...
BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May 2015 – The B.E.E Mumbai University question paper for semester 1 is given as follows: BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May 2015 1 (a) Convert the star circuit into its equivalent delta circuit....
BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper December 2015 – The Mumbai University question paper for B.E.E Semester 1 is shown below. BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper December 2015 1 (a) Find equivalent resistance across terminals A & B of network...
BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May 2016 – The mumbai university FE First year question paper that is a common subject for all engineering students is easy to crack if you practice. BEE Basic Electricity Electronics question paper May...
Applied Physics 1 question papers Mumbai university – This is a collection of eight question papers which are unsolved for Mumbai University first year Applied Physics from 2016 backdated for revision.Thee question papers can be used by students of all branches...
Applied Chemistry 1 question papers Mumbai university – These are eight question papers for first year F.E Applied chemistry subject common to all engineering branches from the year 2016 to 2013.I have compiled it into one post for easy reference. ...
Pune University Backlog rules – Also known as Savitribai Phule University the engineering (SPPU)students have passing rules or year down rules criteria and as a result only those students with certain amount of ATKT or KT failed subjects may pass on...
Revaluation rechecking re verification difference – The difference and meaning between the terms moderation, revaluation, rechecking and re verification in CBSE, Engineering ,Matriculation exam sometimes needs a form to be filled in and given to the exam cell of the college,...
Engineering colleges in gulf countries – The gulf and middle eastern countries are a great place to start a career and education in the engineering profession.It is a hub of industrial activity with the largest concentration of oil drilling and excavation...