Category: Entertainment

FLY full form

Meaning : Zipper Category : SlangSub Category : Urban slang  What does FLY mean or stand for ? FLY is a term that has been used in garment and fabric manufacturing since it was invented.Its main purpose was to camouflage the buttons...

C4D full form

Meaning : C4D Category : EntertainmentSub Category : Technology What does C4D mean or stand for ? Cinema 4D or C4D is a VFX software that is used by professional computer graphics artists to create stunning visuals that can be used in...

GLWTA full form

Meaning : Good tempered logical warm trustful analytical Category : PhilosophySub Category : Terminology What does GLWTA mean or stand for ? When we talk about a GLWTA the first person who pops into mind is Sherlock Holmes!It can be used to...

GPEMU full form

Meaning : Growing Persistent excitable moralistic unpredictable Category : PhilosophySub Category : Terminology What does GPEMU mean or stand for ? A GPEMU can be a person / character whose behavior can be described as constantly being unpredictable as time goes by.This...