CBSE Improvement exam – Fees,Dates,Rules,Application form


CBSE Improvement exam – Fees,Dates,Rules,Application form – The CBSE Improvement exam is for all you students wish to improve your marks in one or more subjects of their board exam.You may appear through your own school as fresh candidates or as private candidates on your own.This improvement of performance exam is only for students who got E grade or higher in their marksheet and not for those who have failed, for which the compartment will have to be given separately. Luckily when i gave my boards i had to give improvement in only 1 subject.The best part about improvement is that you can continue with your career or college each for your next year and you are NOT declared as failed which is the worst.

Suppose in the Improvement exam you score less than your original marks,then the original marks or higher of the two will be taken only,so you can only IMPROVE and not get worse!

In 12th boards this is called Improvement of Performance whereas in 10th board it is called as Upgrading of Performance

I gave my application in many colleges using this marksheet,but remember to keep your best college option for last, and in that college/university give only the improvement marksheet.Last thing guys, remember you got one shot at this,so make it work!


Important points to remember before reading further:


1. How many times can you appear for improvement exam in  class 10 ?

If you have appeared for the class 10 board exams – Secondary School examination and you got a “needs improvement” grade E1 or E2 can appear for the improvement performance exam in that subject or even for all the five subjects

2. Can you appear for Improvement as well as Additional subject examination?

No if you are appearing for Improvement of Performance in one or more subjects then you cannot appear for an  additional subject simultaneously.

3. Are you eligible to to improve your performance in 12th also?

Yes if you have passed Class 12 examination of the Board may re-appear for improvement of performance in one or more subjects in the main examination in the succeeding year only.

The candidate may appear as a private candidate. Those reappearing for the entire examination can also appear as regular candidate if admitted by the school. The candidate(s) appearing for improvement of performance can appear in the subject(s) in which they have appeared for the Examination.

For full details on CBSE Private candidates go here

4.Only such Candidate who has passed the examination of the Board
in 2017 can apply in 2018 for Improving his/her performance in one
or more subjects provided he/she should have appeared and passed
in the same subjects in the examination held in March 2017.

5.Candidate who has passed CBSE Class 12 under vocational stream in
2016 can also apply for improving his/her performance in the
examination to be held in 2018 provided he/she has not availed the
chance in 2017.

CBSE Improvement exam

MY Personal tips for clearing Improvement exams

When i gave my improvement exam i ha to study for just one subject, BUT i had to make sure to improve my grade very much,else all my hard work would go to waste.You can check the full list of Improvement exam tips here, but i have just given few down below also:

1.As far as possible use only NCERT books,as most questions come from here only.

2.Give lots of examples for each answer in theory subjects and make the answer as illustrative and descriptive as you can.

3.Write in your own words instead of direct text book “by heart” language.

4.Keep guide books as a last option to study from,do most of the syllabus from the main text only.

For the full 12 tips to clear CBSE Improvement exam go here


Regrading private examinations for private students, i have written a full post with the link below,but here i wil tel you  a few points regarding practical exams:

1.You DO NOT have to give practical or lab experiment of any kind in the improvement exam if you already passed it in the fresh exam. Theory paper only needs to be attempted.The practical marks will be automatically taken forward which you had secured in school.

2.BUT if you have failed in practical in your fresh exam then you have to give both theory and practical exams both even if you passed the theory paper.

3.You can attempt the improvement exam in the following year in private for one subject else you can appear for ALL subject as a fresh candidate from your school.

For full list of information regarding private candidate practical exams go here

CBSE Improvement exam for students appearing for JEE

As CBSE board controls both the 10th ,12th board eaminations as well as the JEE exams for entry into IIT, NIT and other national colleges etc they have set few rules

IF you have just given your CBSE boards and wish to take the JEE after 2 years,then there are a few point to keep in mind:


1.IF for example you have passed board exams this year {10th}and want to appear for JEE after 2 years and want to give improvement of performance exam in the JEE year, then you can in  any subject provided you gave that subject in your boards also.

2.In order to sit for the JEE exams you need to have a 75% minimum score or top 20 percentile in 12th board exams.In case you do not have this then you can sit for the improvement exam in that subject and boost your score.




IMPROVEMENT EXAM forms – 1st week of July

Class 10 Improvement exam – 3rd week of July

Class 12 Improvement exam – 3rd week of September

FEES FOR IMPROVEMENT for class 12 and class 10 {same for both}

CBSE Improvement exam

IMPROVEMENT EXAM  Marksheet / Certificate  

Regarding a mark sheet or statement of marks of your improvement exam red more below:

1.If you give the Improvement exam then you will not get another full mark-sheet like you got at your fresh main exam,instead you will only get a statement of marks which you got in the improvement exam paper.This called as Gradesheet cum qualifying certificate.

2.You will also not get a new passing certificate

3.If you take the Compartment exam and pass it the you will receive a full consolidated mark sheet.

4.Keep all old marksheets of the fresh main exam safely,you may need them later,even if you have changed grades in new statement of marks after giving improvement exam.


Exam forms are available for 3-4 months starting in the month of August and can be bought at Syndicate Bank branches.This for along with the fees needs to be paid with a demand draft and all documents along with signed copies of marksheet and filled application needs to be posted to CBSE regional office



CBSE Improvement exam

Step 1 – Visit and enter your details like school number,roll number center number after which your parents names will load automatically

Step 2 – Now put your contact number , email as shown

Step 3 – Centre and region will be generated according to your adress. Now upload photo and signature as per guidelines.

Step 4 – Choose subject for improvement using correct subject code and don’t make any mistakes.

Step 5 – Choose the bank and make online payment

Step 6 – Printout confirmation page,fee paid page,copy of marksheet and affidavit for females.Sign the confirmation page and all these documents need to be sent to  – Regional Officer, CBSE Regional Office-

For entire online application procedure visit page number 12 of the guide here.


CBSE Improvement exam rules for class 12 – Senior School Certificate Examination

**(i) A candidate who has passed an examination of the Board may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subject(s) in the main examination in the succeeding year only; however, a candidate who has passed an examination of the Board under Vocational Scheme
may reappear for improvement of performance in one or more subject{s) in the main examination in the succeeding year or in the following year provided he/she has not pursued higher studies in the mean time.

He /she will appear as private candidate. Those appearing for the whole
examination may however appear as regular school candidates also if admitted by the school as regular students.

 + FOR rules of private candidates go here

In no case, a candidate shall be allowed more than one chance for
improvement of his performance

(ii) For subjects involving practical work, in case the candidate has passsed in practical at the main examination, he/she shall be allowed to appear in the theory part only and marks in practical obtained at the main examination shall be carried forward and accounted for. In case a candidate has failed in practical he/she shall have to appear in theory and practical both
irrespective of the fact that he/she has already cleared the theory examination.

**(iii) Candidates who appear for improvement of performance will be issued only Statement of Marks reflecting the marks of the main examination as well as those of the improvement examination.

***(iv) A candidate appearing for improvement of performance in one or more subjects can not appear for additional subject simultaneously.


CBSE Improvement  exam rules for  secondary school certificate – class 10

1. A candidate who has passed Secondary School Examination of the Board may appear at the examination for Improvement of performance in one or more subjects in the main examination in succeeding year only, provided he/she has not pursued higher studies in the mean time.
He/ she shall appear as a private candidate. Those reappearing in the whole examination, may appear as regular school candidates also.

2.A candidate appearing for improvement in subject(s) involving practical shall appear only in theory and previous practical marks shall be carried forward and accounted for.

3.Candidates who appear for improvement of performance will be issued only Statement of Marks reflecting the marks of the main examination as well as those of the improvement examination.

4.A candidate appearing for improvement of performance in one or more subjects can not appear for additional subject simultaneously.

CBSE Improvement exam for Summative assesment

In case of class 9 and class 10 students who have to give a Summative test 1 and 2 in order to qualify for the main exam have to get at least 25% marks average of SA1 and SA2. and average of 33% in all the main 5 subjects.If they do not then they can give the Improvement exam and increase their marks.

CBSE Improvement grade for classes 5 to class eight

For student of CBSE of class 5  to eight,there are tow terms in an academic year that comprises  scholastic subjects that include languages,math,social science,science and a sixth subject.If in case according to the table below,the grades are below E grade,then improvement is needed in that particular subject.

CBSE Improvement exam










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