How to pass Engineering exams easily – If you are suffering from an overdose of failed subjects in a semester or if you want to clear your engineering atkts fast there are a few ways to do this.This is especially for people who are finding it very hard to clear the subjects and some of you’ll even think of dropping out of engineering,but before you think of anything like that,better read these few tips.
In F.E if you are doing Civil branch or Computer or any other, the first Year of engineering is the hardest and most people accumulate a backlog of ATKT in F.E.This backlog then carry forward to the next semester and causes more problems.Besides clearing theory papers,these tricks can also help you clear in viva questions that you find hard to crack.
Guys/girls before you carry on reading, let me tell you that i had over 25 kts in my 4 years of engineering,and i found all possible ways to tackle it,so take some advice of mine from below,best of luck :
How to pass Engineering exams tips
1.Ditch digital – I know nowadays everyone is downloading apps,pdfs and watching youtube videos to try and learn stuff.Let me tell you that is waste of time when it comes to actually writing papers and passing an exam. Youtube videos might help you to clear some small concepts but in the exam paper you need to write words,which is why it is useful to study from books,not ebook or downloaded papers,but physical paper books.Maybe im a bit old fashioned in this regard,but if you try and study from your mobile phone ill guarantee you’ll fail !Use only xerox notes of classes or handwritten notes in a book,dont try and go digital just because its the new technology.Apps and all are ok if you just want to check the syllabus or check a few solutions to some problem,but actively referring to it and trying to study from there will only fail you. Beware.
2. Group – In FE i sat on the last bench with all my friends and we did lots of masti. Result – i failed in 9 out of 16 subjects. In SE i sat right in font on the second row. result – i still got a few kts 😛 BUT i cleared half the subjects, got good marks on Term Work,finished all my files on time,finished all assignments before time, and got access to the best notes. This is the advantage of hanging out with the toppers – mind you, you might not become a topper,but you will get half way there atleast. 🙂
2.Ratta of theory – There are many papers like Mechanics,CP2 and some others in which the concepts are very hard to understand.In these papers yo should never try and attempt numericals. Infact i would suggest don’t even study the numerical,just leave them out completely.They are very tricky and are HIT or MISS. We are not trying to win the lottery,we only want 37 marks. Don’t take chances,only attempt the theory. Do nice ratta of all the theory very well.This includes derivations which is like bonus marks for us to pass with.You can be assured of atleast 25-30 marks minimum of theory in each paper.
3.Classes – One very good investment is to join Vidyalankar or any other classes for at least 2 subject every semester.There are lots of advantages to this.First one an most important is that you get a early start and pay more attention in classes compared to
college lectures.The classes syllabus starts earlier in most cases compared to lectures.Even if you don’t go for the regular batches which in my opinion is too long and boring. go for the
CRASH COURSES. They are fantastic,teach you only the important things and you can study only the important things.Also notes are very good in classes. But more than anything else,classes gets you motivated and gets you into the mood of the subject.Think of it,if you didnt go for classes, then you would be just hanging out with friends doing tp. Going for classes in the evening batch after college is hard work, but is worth it.
5.Question papers – Previous years question papers is the most important thing because atleast 10-25% of the questions are repeated,and this again is bonus marks.Solved question papers are available online on man websites as well as in your college library.
6.Visual – Wherever possible, you need to add as many diagrams,flowcharts etc .This not only looks god on the paper that is full of text words,but the paper checker also gets impressed that you have some extra knowledge.Its a good trick to get 2-3 marks extra wherever you can.
7.Quantity vs quality -The paper checker need to correct 100 papers per day,and do not go through every line of text written.My suggestion – write fast-write lots.Just keep filling up the pages with words,some of it needs to be the correct answer.The first few lines in any answer needs to be pertaining to the topic and relevant. The more you write,chances are you will score well.Even if you don’t know anything on the topic,make an attempt and fill up few lines,you can pickup 1-2 marks here and there.
9.Viva – I have spoken in length about
how to clear Vivas in Engineering here, but ill tell few things.One important thing is to answer always and don’t sit quietly,even if you don’t know anything.Give the wrong answer or talk something about the same topic as which the question is.Also dress well and smart and create a good impression.