How to select the best engineering branch
How to select the best engineering branch – How do you choose which right branch of engineering will suit you or which one will pay the most job salary or have the most scope and demand. These are questions you need answered,else you will end up like me and fail in many subjects in engineering and finally dropout.No i did not drop out but i came very close to it,but i did have huge amounts of ATKTs in my first 6 semesters.Only the final year of last two semesters i learnt the tricks and cleared the papers.
One of the main reasons i landed up with so many kts is because i did not get the correct branch which i wanted.My aptitude was always with Computers or IT , but i got into Electrical in the CAP admission rounds.
How to select the best engineering branch
1.Aptitude – In the CAP admission rounds it is hard to say what lottery you get.It might come in another branch and you may get stuck with it,but i suggest wait for the last round of the admission.this way you can narrow down what you want.One thing i suggest is,even if you are getting your preferred branch but in a far college or a “C” grade college. – take it ! Better than taking a branch in which you have no interest and getting stuck with it for 4 years.Those 4 years will easily become 6 years and will be a nightmare to go through.
2.Clearing – In the first year F.E of engineering all the subjects are common for all branches,but after that the next three years are all different.Some branches like Mechanics have lots of drawing and visuals,other like Computer branch has coding and programming. You have to select a branch in which the engineering exams are easy to clear as it is VERY hard to clear most papers.Trick to passing those 3 years is to choose easiest branch and those that have easy Viva exams also,else there will be a backlog of ATKTs.
3.Scope – Scope of the branch as i define it is – the most in demand and trending branches in the industry right now.Newer branches like Agriculture Engineering have a very good scope as a newly emerging field.Also those that have the highest chances of getting a job with related to that field.For example the scope of Civil Engineering will ALWAYS get you a good job in any city of India like how 10 years back Computers and IT was in demand.
4.Salary – Similar to scope,but even though Civil engineering is in demand since the last 50 years, still Computers and IT Engineering will pay you the best salary.This salary and job satisfaction is important because some branches like mechanical and Civil will involve a lot of outdoor field and factory work,whereas if you are lazy and want to just sit in a ac office then better to go for Computer or IT.
5.College – In the first point i told you to ignore the college in the CAP round and focus on the branch you have a liking for.This is most important,but when you are choosing your college and you have a choice between two,you need to select the one closest to your home-remember that,Travelling during exam time,especially when there a exam the next day is VERY CHALLENGING.
6.Related stream -If you are a Diploma student reading this and will take admission directly into Second year degree engineering,it makes sense to select the branch that is related to your Diploma branch.This gives you an advantage over other students in the technical area as many subjects are repeated in the second and third year.BUT remember to take a branch that has less Mathematics in it,because from past experience i know that Diploma student find the Degree Maths very hard.
7.Future studies – Many students want to pursue Studies abroad after Engineering,so in this case you need to choose a branch which is the easiest to score in and will give you lesser ATKTs.For admission into a Foreign University for MS or MBA , you need to have a First Class in the Final Year of Engineering or at the most 6 ATKTs total in all 4 years.