kt full form


kt full form – What does kt stand for? kt is the short form for atkt and the full form of atkt is ” allowed to keep term”.In engineering language we sometimes say we got 3 kts or 4 kts.This means we have failed in 3 or 4 subjects and the more number of kts you get in a semester will ultimately decide whether your get a year drop or not.

These number of subjects that you need to pass in are also referred to as heads of passing.

kt full form in exam

As explained above,kt is an atkt or failed exam that a student can appear for with another chance.The next examination that comes up in the following semester after roughly 5 or 6 months can be attempted again.

What does a kt meanĀ 

Meaning of an atkt in today’s education system

what does it mean when we are promoted with a kt ?

What is a backlog in a kt system ?

How do we differ between a kt and backlog subject ?

kt full form in engineering

Getting a kt is is not only restricted to engineering,and the ATKT system is used in all universities all over India in state,national and private colleges in senior college as well as professional level courses.

This kt system is not used in the 11th or 12th class level.

kt full form in IT

Many people mailed me asking that they also wanted the kt full form in IT sector – Information technology.I did some research and found out that “KT” is a very common term for software engineers also.It is very different from the kt that we get in our exams!

KT in IT or software engineering terms means knowledge transfer.There are many huge IT companies like TCS,Wipro etc.When new recruits or trainees are hired,they usually get trained informally by senior staff who sit with them and explain the procedures and protocols of the office and systems.Some might call this “gyan” and these sessions are very important before they can actually start programming.

During the course of their first few months they will be given alot of KT by colleagues,team mates and team leaders.

kt rules for passing and failing

In professional courses like architecture and engineering in order to pass onto the next academic year,you are limited to a certain maximum number of kts.

If you exceed these this maximum kt limit,you will have to give the paper again.

When you fail in a particular subject and have the option of appearing for the same exam again it is called as a kt exam or ATKT.

You will be allowed to give this paper how many ever times till you clear it – however some universities put a cap on the maximum number of attempts you get to clear a paper.This is usually 8 attempts,but changes from one university to the next.

Sometimes after reaching your maximum number of kt attempts,the university might consider you “not fit for technical education” or short form is NFT.

kt and year down

If you get more than the kt rule of the academic year,then you will get a drop or year down.This means,you cannot get admission into the next academic year until you clear the backlog of kts that has accumulated.

In this year down,you will get 2 attempts to clear these backlog of kts and should be sufficient

Other ways to clear kts are:

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